Our Mission

Our mission is to connect employers and people with disability.

We believe in the untapped potential within every person and recognise that a person’s ability does not define their capability. At WorkAbility, our mission goes beyond the idea of employment; we’re committed to fostering meaningful connections that empower both individuals and businesses.

Join us to discover what’s beyond possible.

Outline sketch of two hands joined together in a shaking motion
Supportive environment

We connect people with disabilities with the right services, providing them with the support they need on their employment journey.

Outline sketch of a hand holding a globe
Bridging gaps

We connect job seekers with disability to employers, providing them with the connections they need on their employment journey.

outline impage of a person in a wheelchair pushing their chair up a ramp
Education and awareness

We educate employers about the importance of diversity and the valuable contributions of employees with disability.

Two people working at and looking at a computer. One is helping the other.

About WorkAbility Expo

WorkAbility was born when the Australian Government provided funding for disability employment expos as part of a package of support for new initiatives to drive better employment outcomes for people with disability, including those with high support needs.

Under-employment for people with disability is a significant issue in the Australian community. More than 1 million adult people with disability who are currently able to work cannot find suitable employment and enjoy the same rates of pay as other members of the community.

Real barriers to employment for people with disability exist in society, from a lack of education and understanding among employers to outright discrimination and legislation that permits low rates of pay.

System-change and new thinking are needed to create new opportunities for people with disability and employers. Everyone in the community deserves an equal opportunity to earn an income, support themselves, and contribute to society.

At the same time, employers seeking talented new employees stand to benefit from an untapped workforce – hardworking, skilled members of society who will positively contribute to their organisation and the health of its culture.

ImpactInstitute’s WorkAbility Expos will provide a platform for open and disability specific employers, disability employment services, education and training providers, advocacy groups, and government agencies to unite under one roof and support people in their journey for meaningful employment.

Our Events

My Future My Choice and WorkAbility Expos









Together with My Future My Choice Disability Expos, WorkAbility Expos are held in key cities across Australia, connecting thousands of attendees with potential employers.

My Future, My Choice is the nation’s largest disability expo program, supported annually by over 1,200 exhibitors and attracting more than 55,000 registrants.

WorkAbility expos provide much more than job opportunities; they are vibrant platforms for education and engagement. Attendees can explore a range of resources and participate in practical workshops.

What to expect at WorkAbility Expos

Discover diverse employment opportunities from a wide range of mainstream employers committed to inclusive hiring practices. Meet directly with companies eager to welcome unique talents and abilities into their workforce.

Connect with Disability Employment Service (DES) providers who can offer personalised support and guidance. Learn how these services can assist you in achieving your employment goals through tailored job placements and ongoing support.

Find out about Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE’s) who can provides meaningful employment for people with disability, including those with high support needs.

Participate in hands-on workshops designed to enhance your job-ready skills. Workshops are designed to get you job ready and to show you how to start your own business.

Access resources to support your employment journey. This includes planning guides, understanding support available, and tools to help you search for jobs.

Engage with support services, advocacy groups and representatives from government organisations who can provide information on support and funding available, accessibility services, and public initiatives designed to support people with disability in the workforce.

picture of a young man laughing. he is wearing a white T-shirt and is depicted on a red background
Picture of the impactinstitute team. There are 22 people pictured sitting or standing on a balcony. We are all smiling at the camera.

Meet the team

At the heart of the WorkAbility Expo series is our dedicated team. With a commitment to inclusion and a diverse range of skills, we ensure that every event provides valuable opportunities for people with disability to connect with supportive employers.